Last night when I has having trouble sleeping I stumbled upon a series of meme's called "Bad Luck Brian". First of all whoever came up with this is a genius and secondly it gave me a good 10 minutes of "LOL" factor which was nice. This morning I reposted a meme, from the group, that I thought was exceptionally funny and had a thought.

Now, I love a good meme as much as anyone else but I couldn't help but wonder about the poor soul who has now become, as one of the images stated best, "the laughing stock of the internet". How does he feel about all this? Does he take it in stride or does he sit alone crying for mercy in the comfort of his room? Does he embrace the virality or does he loathe being recognized? Does he want it to end or, perhaps more appropriately, when will it end? I hate to be a buzz-kill, it's lame and it was selfish of me, but it was a thought that just wouldn't leave my head.

So many things from hashtags to images like these to videos can go viral these days and I think to a point we become desensitized to its nature due to our saturation in "net" culture. What we need to remember is that, while it's nothing personal to us, to someone out there it was very personal right from the start.

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    Nathan the Asian Avenger

    I really just want to be part of the Avengers, that would be the best thing for me I think. Imagine putting that on a resume... How would you even word that? Work experience: Defender of the world at "The Avengers" 


    May 2012

